On a beautiful sunny day, I hear cheerful little voices slowly beginning to approach the garden. Two small classes of kindergarten students from John Muir Elementary are coming to learn in person at the Koshland Community Garden.
Tag: John Muir
Goodbye to Adrian and Melissa
After many years with CommunityGrows, we are saying goodbye to two of our wonderful staff members, Adrian and Melissa. While we are sad to see them go, we are so grateful to them both for all of their hard work and dedication! Read on to learn about their time at CG.
Salad Days Are Back!
September is a month of beginnings – the beginning of the school year, the beginning of fall – and at John Muir Elementary School, it marked the beginning of our monthly Salad Days. Since students also participate in our Environmental Education classes, Salad Days allow them to be fully engaged in all the steps of the garden process: planting, cultivating, harvesting, and most importantly, eating!
John Muir Students in Koshland Garden
On Thursday, May 11, 2017 Koshland Garden was buzzing with Ms. Martin's first graders from John Muir Elementary School. CommunityGrows Garden Programs Supervisor Paul Bergkamp led them on...
Thanksgiving at John Muir Elementary
On a rainy Saturday, November 19th, 2016 many organizations in the Western Addition came together to offer Thanksgiving to residents and families. The lunch included a program with youth...
John Muir Loves Salads!
Another great Salad Day at John Muir School, thanks to Kaiser-Permanente and Gus' Market on Harrison Street. We were honored to get organic greens, fuji apples, carrots, cucumbers and peppers....
Salad Days at John Muir
Thanks to a grant from Kaiser-Permanente Community Benefit Program, CommunityGrows is able to continue offering Salad Days at John Muir School. With a great donation of organic greens, carrots...
End of School BBQ
On Friday afternoon May 13, 2016 from 4-6 PM students and CommunityGrows partners came out for a great BBQ in Koshland Garden. Teachers from John Muir Elementary School joined parents from...
Salad Day at John Muir Elementary School
Friday, April 29, 2016 was Salad Day at John Muir Elementary School. Thanks to a grant from Kaiser-Permanente, CommunityGrows is able to provide delicious salad for all the students at John...
Kindergartners Learn about Water
Steve Herraiz (Mr. Steve) had his class of enthusiastic kindergartners at John Muir Elementary School, walk down to the Koshland Park Community Learning Garden for their morning lesson on...