We would like to welcome two great staff members to CommunityGrows. Serena Padilla, our new Garden Educator, works primarily at Rosa Parks Elementary School. She graduated in 2011 from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a BA in Latin American and Latino/a studies with a minor in Education. She won us over with her great rapport with K-5 students and her lesson plans. She also previously volunteered with OBUGS-Oakland Based Urban Gardens, delivering a science based garden curriculum and leading cooking classes. The Rosa Parks Green Team, teachers and students have fallen in love with her!
We are also excited to welcome Miya Yung, our first ever Americorp intern from Public Allies. Miya graduated this year from San Francisco State University with a BA in Child and Adolescent Development: Youth Work and Out of School Time. She is also a graduate of Lowell High School in San Francisco. Miya is working with our BEETS (Band of Environmentally Educated and Employable Teens) and assisting our BEETS Program Manager, Melissa Tang. Her previous work experience is with the Japanese Community Youth Council, the Stonestown YMCA, and the Mission YMCA Summer Daycamp.
We are thrilled to have you both on our CommunityGrows team!