On Saturday April 29, 2017 Rosa Parks Elementary held a workday in collaboration with CommunityGrows and the Buchanan YMCA Healthy Kids Day. This free event for families and friends-to charge into summer-included a bouncy house along with very helpful and healthy resources.Many families turned out to work in the gardens, getting them ready for summer planting-so much work to do!CommunityGrow staff Jay Jordan keep folks engaged in weeding, mulching and watering, as well as picking up trash. Here is one of the Rosa Park’s parents working near a Brussels sprouts plant.Seed-to-Mouth instructor Crystal Leon oversaw a table with food for a summer fare. She prepared a breakfast porridge of brown rice, almond milk and mashed bananas that was delicious especially with the addition of summer berries, grapes, pineapples, bananas and melons. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds topped the dish.It was a beautiful way to spend a healthy day outside enjoying the sunshine! For more photos from the day check out our CommunityGrows Flickr Photostream.