On Saturday, July 25, 2015 the CommunityGrows BEETS(Band of Environmentally Educated and Employable Teens) hosted a workday in Koshland Park and Garden. Two other teen groups from the BayView joined them, Literacy for Environmental Justice and Girls 2000. After a warm-up getting to know you activity, our BEETS let a tour through the garden, pointing out the memorial planting area, the herb garden and orchard. Then the teens broke up into groups through out the park and garden to plant natives, paint signs, do pruning, weeding of the paths and beds, sweep the stage area and collect trash. We harvested beets, carrots, potatoes and rose geranium. Recreation and Park Gardener, Freddie Ealom worked with 8-10 youth moving a ton of wood chips to the upper park area. LEJ teens, under the leadership of Anthony Khalil, and Girls 2000, under Brandi Mack’s leadership added a great culture exchange of youth environmentalist. Sharing knowledge among groups was awe inspiring. After a great lunch with macaroni and cheese, everyone made a commitment to come together again soon.
Thank you for an very productive and enlightening day.For more photos see our Flickr Photostream here.