Our mission is to cultivate healthy youth through growing gardens in low-income, diverse communities.
Hot Apple Cider and Homemade DIY Decorations
This weekend, folks braved the rain and came together with CommunityGrows for the annual wreath and card making event! The space was cozy under the tarps, with hot cider in hand, holiday music playing, and friends chatting as everyone created their masterpieces. We are so grateful to Hayes Valley Art Works and Friends of the Urban Forest for being so welcoming and sharing their space!
One of the best parts of the wreath and card making event is seeing everyone’s different personalities shine through their decorations and drawings! While some kept their wreath simple, others went bold and shiny, and others still created forest themed designs. One thing is certain though, each one had style!
Bummed that you weren’t able to make it this year but still interested in learning how to make a homemade wreath? Check out: 37 Christmas Wreaths You Can DIY