On Friday, July 30th CommunityGrows lead a field trip for the Buchanan YMCA to Alemany Farm in San Francisco. Alemany Farm is a 4.5 acre working organic farm in southeastern San Francisco. The Farm is collaboratively managed by volunteers, San Francisco city officials, and residents of the Alemany community. Friends of Alemany Farm (FoAF) is a volunteer-managed project sponsored by the San Francisco Parks Trust. Friends of Alemany Farm oversees organic food production at the site, offers workshops and educational courses, coordinates the volunteer efforts, manages a free neighborhood produce delivery, and hosts field trips for children and adults.
The YMCA bus arrived around 10:30 and youth were greeted by Nora Brereton and Genina Elimore from the farm. Dividing into groups they walked through the fields, learned about and ate different fruits and vegetables and saw the bee hives! Everyone was happy to be outdoors and climbing hills, looking under rocks and getting their hands dirty. In fact, a number of fluffy caterpillars got transported around the farm wiggling up sleeves and tickling hands and arms. The day was a blast, even for a foggy San Francisco summer!