In the heart of San Francisco’s Western Addition neighborhood lies a vibrant hub of growth and learning—the Rosa Parks school garden. At the core of its flourishing existence stands the Green Team, a dedicated group of parents committed to nurturing this thriving oasis. Among these passionate individuals is Doug, whose journey with the Green Team over the past three years exemplifies the transformative power of parental involvement.
Category: Rosa Parks Elementary School
3 Ways to Connect Your Child to the Environment
Summer classes have officially ended, and our garden educators spent 6 weeks teaching students from kindergarten through 6th grade about gardening and cooking skills. It was fun, challenging, and therapeutic.
Breaking News: Kids actually love salad!
This December, Salad Day has made a comeback into the gardens at Rosa Parks Elementary and for the first time ever at Leonard Flynn Elementary in San Francisco....
BEETS Run the Carnival at Rosa Parks BBQ
Our BEETS (Band of Environmentally Educated and Employable Teens) helped out on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at the Rosa Parks Elementary School's Annual BBQ. CommunityGrows staff Serena Padilla,...
Salad Day at Rosa Parks!
On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Rosa Parks Elementary School began another year of Salad Days with students at the school. This day starts with gleaning the garden and adding...
Rosa Parks Workday with CommunityGrows
On Saturday, September 13, 2014 a great workday was held at Rosa Parks Elementary School to prepare the two gardens for fall classes. Rosa Parks parents, Principal Paul Jacobsen, the PTA and...
BEETS Breakout with Water Lesson Plan
On Saturday, July 17, 2014, the BEETS (Band of Environmentally Educated and Employable Teens) got together at the upper garden of Rosa Parks Elementary School to practice their K-5th grade...
Highlighting Ezekiel McCarter-Our Garden Assistant!
We would like to introduce Ezekiel (Ziek) McCarter,...
One Day on Earth at Rosa Parks Elementary School
On April 26th, 2014 CommunityGrows participated in a media campaign, "One Day in San Francisco," a participatory media-creation event. We did this during our Rosa Parks Elementary School gardens...
World Food Day Celebrated at Rosa Parks
Today, October 16, 2013 is World Food Day and Rosa Parks Elementary School with the help of CommunityGrows Garden Educator, Ezekiel McCarter, join the global movement to end hunger by holding a...